The Fugger family has a long-standing connection with St. Moritz. Membership in this parish in Augsburg's city centre goes back to Hans Fugger (died ca. 1400), as his house was in St. Moritz parish territory. Fugger marriages, baptisms and funerals took place at St. Moritz well into the 16th century. The Fugger family maintains a connection to the parish to this day. The foundation connected to St. Moritz is an essential part of the Fugger foundations.
The Fugger sermon endowment in St. Moritz
In the beginning, the St. Moritz sermon endowment was created due to the parish community's desire for a better sermon. Jakob Fugger the Rich took up the leadership of this movement and finally attained the right to recommend appointments for preacher and priest positions. He donated 1,000 florins for the position at St Moritz, of which the interest yield of 50 florins was used for the priest's annual accommodation expenses. In 1521, Jakob combined the sermon endowment, the Fuggerei and the burial sites in St. Anna in one deed of foundation. The sermon endowment remains an independent endowment to this day. The right to appointment is still practiced by the Fugger Seniorat. A visible sign of this is the Fugger loge.