The Princely and Comital Fugger Family Seniorat administers the leadership of the foundations on an honorary and economically independent basis. As in a supervisory board, they make decisions for the foundations that are implemented by administrators. From a legal perspective, the Family Seniorat is the foundations' management body, and thus their legal representative. The foundations' assets are not included in the family's assets. Members of the Family Seniorat are traditionally the heads of the three existing »Fugger« lineages. The Family Seniorat currently consists of:
Count S.E. Alexander Fugger-Babenhausen (Seniorat Chairperson) from the Fugger-Babenhausen line
Countess I.E. Maria Theresia Fugger von Glött from the Fugger von Glött line (Deputy Chairperson of the Senior Council)
Countess I. E. Isabella Gräfin Thun-Hohenstein from the Fugger-Kirchberg line
Count S.E. Leopold Graf Fugger-Babenhausen from the Fugger-Babenhausen line (Consultative Member of the Senoir Coumcil)
The ongoing business of the Princely and Comital Fugger Foundations has been entrusted to Count Wolf-Dietrich von Hundt, the administrator since 1998. Together with the Seniorat's leadership, he directs routine foundation-related business, such as the administration of the Fuggerei.